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Why Solar Panel Should be Preferred over Conventional Energy?

Nowadays biggest challenge before people and government is Global warming. Use of solar energy is one of the best answers to problem of rising temperature globally. Power decentralization is one of the main features associated with Solar energy. Solar panel is also operated off grid, this is a prime feature of this mode. For people who live in rural areas, solar energy is one of the lifelines in third world. Those living in urban areas also have option of solar energy. In numerous countries, conventional electricity is very costly so being a cheap option is also advantage of solar option. It only costs for one time installation and then things are done, there will be no additional cost later on. It has been seen that numerous countries come up with job opportunities when Solar energy if further surged. Solar energy jobs come in numerous sectors namely improvements, development, maintenance, integration with local system etc. Burning oil or coal for energy come with numerous si
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What are Advantages of Solar Panel?

Solar panel has quite easy definition that it absorbs energy from sun and later same energy is used to generate electricity. Photovoltaic cells are used in the solar panel to store and release energy for other purposes. Raw material that is used for energy collection is sun. If sun will be bright then more energy will be generated by cells. There are numerous pros and cons associated with the solar panels and we will discuss them over here. Solar panel does not emit gas as green house gas. There are no serious consequences associated with solar panels namely smoke, chemical, heavy metals etc. When we burn fossil fuel to generate energy then it comes with various dangerous emissions that are harmful for health. Government from numerous countries trying to deal with problem of global warming and solar based energy is one of the most appropriate answers for problem. Solar panels are based on one time installation fees without any rental plan. Electric energy that comes through co